Galleries & Posts: Basics

In this article, we explain how to set up the Global and Custom Layouts, and how to use them inside individual Post and Galleries. Lastly, we cover how to create a Portfolio/Blog Page to list your content. You can either watch the video or read the information explained below.

When it comes to Galleries and Posts, the building process is the same as in the previous generations of Flo themes. There are 3 main components that we need to take care of:

1. Your Global Layout

2. Your Galleries/Posts

3. The listing page to display your Galleries/ Posts (Portfolio or Blog Page)

Global Layout

First, it is needed to create a Layout that will be used globally for all galleries or posts. The only difference between the previous generations and Pronto is that in Pronto all layouts are located under a single menu tab and you'll find them under Dashboard >Flotheme > Layouts. Just access that menu and you'll find the needed layout options for galleries and posts.

Under the Layouts tab, you'll find a set of predefined layouts that can be either used as they are or can be modified by adjusting some of the settings. - In case you make an unwanted modification to a predefined block, do not worry since there is an option to reset the layout as it was.

- In case you want to make changes to an existing layout, then you'll be able to duplicate one of them and make the needed adjustments.

Since there are more layouts for galleries and posts, it will be needed to set one of them as global, as shown below:

Custom Layouts

Previously, you could enable the "Custom Layout" option inside your Post/ Gallery and create a custom design for that individual page.

With Pronto, the process will be a bit different. The Custom Layouts are also created under Flotheme -> Layouts and then can be assigned in an individual Post/Gallery. 

Page Content

When it comes to the individual posts/ galleries you can only change the information inside the Page Content block and general information like featured image, title, category, etc. The Page Content block is what we currently call in our Flex & Classic Themes the WP Content Block. This block represents the Gutenberg editor area inside your posts or galleries. All the content from your editor will be displayed there when viewing your post/gallery. 

This is why it's important that you have the "Page Content" Block added inside your Global/ Custom Layouts.

Below we'll describe a few of the placeholder blocks, so you can understand how each of them works:

  1. Item Title - inherits the post's publishing date, title, category, and featured image.
  2. Gallery View - inherits all the images that are added inside a Flo gallery that is created under the Dashboard > Galleries menu.
  3. Page Content - inherits all the content that is added inside the Gutenberg Editor inside a Gallery. This is also known 
  4. Related Posts - inherits a list of posts/galleries that are assigned to the same category. Ex: if the current gallery is assigned to two different categories, let's say Weddings and Paris, then the Related Posts block will display a few posts/galleries from the Weddings category and a few ones from the Paris category. Even though the ones from the Paris category are not weddings. Since the gallery has 2 unique categories, it will have related items from both of them.

An important addition that was requested by many of our clients, was to be able to control the width of the post/gallery

Previously this was possible only for the WP Content block, while now it will be applied to everything that is added inside the Gutenberg Editor, except for the Flex Blocks

Individual Posts and Galleries

After creating your Global/Custom Layouts, all you'll need to do is to populate your posts/galleries with content. As we already mentioned, all the content will be inherited by the placeholder blocks described above.

If you didn't migrate your Posts and Galleries from your previous theme with the Flo Migration plugin, we'd recommend installing the plugin and making sure that the content you had until now is also migrated. 

Blog/ Portfolio Page

After creating the layout and populating the posts/galleries with content, you'll want to display them on a specific page (let it be Portfolio or Blog). For that, you'll need to create a simple page and add a Listing Block. Or you could use any of the already predefined page templates (Listing Type A, B, C).

In the Templates tab, you'll see that there are 3 predefined templates, while on the Demo Site there are more. That is because each Listing block has several layout variations. which can be configured from the Block's settings, located on the right sidebar.


To enable comments for a blog post, you should simply check the "Allow comments" box from the "Post" panel as shown: 

8. Changing Parent Slug for Galleries 

Changing Parent Slugs is a very simple process. First, go to Flotheme Tab - Generics. There you will find 3 fields. Replace the word “gallery” with “portfolio” or any other for that matter, and click Update. This will then affect the website URL Slugs. See the screenshots below.

Note that in some cases these changes do not apply until you re-save the permalink structure.

To do that, just head over to Settings > Permalinks and click Save Changes without changing anything:

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