FloForms Slack Integration
The following article explains how to add FloForms Slack integration with our FloForms Plugin. For this extension to work you’ll need to first have installed our FloForms Plugin. Being a FloForms Pro user, you have access to download the plugin from your Flothemes download account as part of your Pronto All-in-One subscription or Pro membership.
You need to create a form first to be able to integrate Slack. How to create forms read here.
Once downloaded you’ll have a .zip file named Flo Forms Slack Integration.
To upload the plugin, go to your WordPress admin panel, go to plugins, and “add new”, then “upload plugin”:
From here you can select your plugin, or drag and drop it into the choose file section, and then hit install now:
Once its uploaded activate the plugin:
Now the plugin is activated, and you will be able to find it under Form Settings tab -> Integrations tab inside an individual form’s editing page:
Integrating with your Slack workspace
To integrate your form with your Slack workspace you need to access https://’your-workspace’.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook in your browser. Use your real workspace name in the provided link instead of ‘your-workspace. In our case this is Flothemes and we’ll be accessing the link as such: https://flothemes.slack.com/services/new/incoming-webhook
Make sure you are logged into your Slack account inside your browser. Once you access the link you will see the following screen with options to edit settings for the webhook. Here you are able to select a channel where the integration will send you notifications once a user fills out your FloForm. This can be direct to you, an already existing channel, or a channel you create specifically for FloForms notifications when an inquiry is sent.
After you click on Add Incoming WebHooks Integration, on the next page you will be able to find your created webhook URL.
Copy the URL and paste it inside your FloForms Slack integration field, as per the screenshot:
Receive notifications inside your Slack workspace once a user clicks on the form’s Submit button: